Wednesday, February 13, 2013

My new book

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Book Description

Enjoy this exciting and life-changing transformation testimony and Bible teaching of Pastor Sandra Chipchase and how she lived an overcoming life of victory, became free from cancer, and received fresh hope to fulfill her calling with "Inside-Out Victory!" This is your season to be changed and your whole life rearranged! What you believe is how you live your life here on earth and into eternity. Experience "Inside-Out Victory" and receive the keys to fulfill your dreams and purpose in life. Become a vessel of honor unto God and let the fire of burn with fresh passion for Jesus! Let God’s Glory be seen in you. "Inside-Out Victory" has keys to receive the joy of living in the Glory World with opens doors of blessings. "Inside-Out Victory" is about transformation, which means total change. Become the planting of the Lord to grow Trees of Righteousness in the Garden of the Lord. You are the Tree. Jesus Christ, the Word, is the seed to change you and your destiny. Your heart is the soil. As you begin to renew your mind with God’s thoughts and His ways, it will change your days on earth and your Heavenly position. We all have heard the saying, “You are what you think.” That is so true. The Word of God was given to us to transform us and change the way we think on the inside. Transformation includes what we think, what we say, and what we do. There is only one way to do that and that is God’s way! Classes on anger management or any management is not change, but control, which teaches you how to control yourself. These classes will not transform you into a new creature in Christ Jesus, or into a new way of living in victory, going from glory to glory. Start now living a victorious life in Jesus. Know your place in the Body of Christ and walk in your benefits of living a Christian life in this world. As you read "Inside-Out Victory," receive freedom from the dangers of deferred hope, and become delivered from evil. By applying the Bible principles that Pastor Sandra shares on "Inside-out Victory," you can turn your kids around for Christ and keep your home in peace. Treasure this opportunity to become free and void of offense toward God and man, and move forward in the things of God with "Inside-Out Victory!"

Editorial Reviews

About the Author

Pastor Sandra Chipchase pioneered Word-A-Live Church in Penn Valley, California, in 1993. Presently, she continues to Pastor. Her husband, Pastor Mike Chipchase ministers alongside her. She has the Apostolic anointing and operates strongly in the Prophetic and in all the gifts of the Spirit when needed. Their Word-A-Live Church services can be see weekly on local NCTV television and Ustream. She travels on Mission Trips to Guatemala, New York, and Mexico. MY AUTOBIOGRAPHY I was born in Mankato, Minnesota & raised in California in a non-practicing Christian home. I had one sibling, a brother. Every Sunday I attended a small community church from ages of 8-13. When our family moved to another area, that was the end of church, but at that young age, there were seeds planted in me. I always had a hunger & thirst for God. I would listen to a special program every night at 7 pm when going to bed. I would come home from church & sing the psalms in opera. The consciousness of Jesus never left me. When I was 10 years old, during a study in my children’s class at church, I remembered the teaching about lying & that it was a sin. I had lied several times that week. I thought it was over for me! That discouraged me somewhat. When I was 36 years old, I was drawn to a small church in our community. I just loved the way God will draw someone into a church & they get saved! The visit to this church was quite a shock to me & my family. It was a Full Gospel Church that spoke in tongues, hugged each other, & prayed out loud with dynamic teaching! One day during a sermon, the minister was speaking of Jesus. That day I renewed my life to Jesus. My life has never been the same! It’s amazing when I look at the footsteps He walked me through. In the first year I discovered I had cancer, but I felt a blanket of comfort, joy, & faith on me! I had the joy of the Lord, which carried me through. I praise God I am still alive to share the Word, the Gospel of Jesus Christ, & fulfill my destiny. God took me through a walk of hope. I think about all the phases of life that I have walked through. I am so thankful for my salvation & I am thankful for my wonderful husband, Mike, who blossomed later on. I have had many good mentors in my life. I never met personally some of these ministers & some of these mentors know me personally. Their writings & teachings taught me & brought me to levels of maturity & faith. I am grateful to have had so many Godly men & women impart into my life.

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