Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Christmas Child 2013

There's so many needs in this world. Wouldn't it be nice if we were able to meet every one of those needs? By ourselves we cannot, but every one of us can in one way or another be a part of that. So many in the body of Christ are sitting on their gifts and their ability to give. God's Kingdom Economy is the opposite of the kingdoms of this world's economy. God's economy is to pour out so we can pour more. When we give to bless, He will bless us to be able to give more.

This year, Dec. 20st, 2013 @ 6 PM, we are having a the Christmas Child party at Word-A-Live! Church(1 thru 18) for underprivileged children’  those who wouldn't have a Christmas, otherwise. We are looking for children who won't have a Christmas gift or celebration this year; unless someone(s) is willing to give.

I am asking for:
Donors. Those who are willing to give a gift ($10 and more), marked gender and age or a money donation for the party or gifts.
Helpers to help organize this and those who will come to  serve and help.

We will be having goodies in our Kidz Room for children & families, and Christmas Carole's in the sanctuary with gifts.  I read where a gentleman who was abundantly blessed, gave 100 bikes away; and another 1,000 bikes for a  Kidz Christmas party just like the kind we are planning.  We need names of children to invite or where we can get names of those who are in need this Christmas.

Will you plant a seed into good ground? Your skills, your finances, your support, your prayers, the contacts for names?

I would like to see us be able to do more, but it's what we can do now. It's what we have in the house now. It's like the poor widow woman in the Bible, she gave what she had and God multiplied it, as long as she kept pouring. I am believing with expectancy that God will multiply our resources next year as we pour this year!

Will you be part of the miracle? Let me know what you can do.

Pastors Sandra Chipchase, Christmas Child, Word-A-Live! Church, Penn Valley, CA 95946                                           

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