Thursday, June 12, 2014

To Save A Life

Proverbs 22:6

New King James Version (NKJV)
Train up a child in the way he should go,
And when he is old he will not depart from it.

I see this as a promise to parents, and those that raise children.

A great promise, but I am wanting to focus on something that goes along with that promise, and it’s you, the one raising them up in the way they should go.

How about you?  

I talk to kids who parents do go to church and do ‘hear’ the Word of God preached, and kids who parents don’t go and the kids 'hear' the Word of God preached.

They say “My parents don’t care what I watch on t.v.”,  “My parents don’t care who I hang with,”  “My parents don’t care if I go to R- rated movies,”   “My parents don’t care what I do or don’t do”.   Or, listen to this one, “My parents don’t know what I am doing."

So, which parent are you?

Do you ‘really’ know the kids your son or daughter run with and spend the nights with?   Do you allow them to watch what they want?  Do you know what movie they just went to?  Have you checked out the school dances?   Do you let them go to teen and sub-teen parties?  Really?  There’s enough that happens without you knowing what’s going on.  Things they won’t tell you.  The drunken party,  the drug, the rape, the incest.

I am not trying to be morbid; but what I am trying to tell you is ‘don’t be stupid.’  Save a life from horror, and  hurt, etc.  What can you do as a parent, grandparent, and or guardian?

1.    Look at your life?  Do you smoke, drink, watch R-rated movies, What kind of shows, movies do you have going in your house?  What kind of music. 
2.   What are 'you' exposing your child to.
3.   Do you avoid people who tell you the truth?  Who warn you ?
4.   Do you say ‘do what I say’, ‘not what I do’
5.   Are you angry and cursing and drinking (drunkard) all the time?
6.   You smoking pot, doing drugs around your children and in secret?

The list could go on.   It’s not even a matter of you being a phony Christian, and or a stupid parent; what matters is “To Save A Life”, do you ‘really’ care enough to do what is right?

Do you care enough to confess to yourself, God, and your children, “I’ve done wrong, I have not brought you up in the way that you should go.   Will your forgive me, and from now on I am going to be the mother, the father, the grandparent, the guardian that I am suppose to be according to the Word of God."

It starts with you, repenting and getting right, and being the kind of example that is necessary.

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